Regional Prospective Observational Research for Tuberculosis

RePORT India is charged with advancing regional TB science in India, towards fulfilling the TB strategic goals of the country, strengthening TB research capacity and infrastructure and fostering research collaboration within India and with other countries focused on research that can lead to clinically important biomarkers, vaccines, drugs, and diagnostics.

Collaborative Governance Structure


Executive Committee

An Executive Committee led by four Chairs and PIs from participating institutions across India and the U.S.


Coordinating Hub

India Co-Hub housed at JIPMER and U.S. Co-Hub housed at JHU, a Data Coordination Centre housed at JIPMER


Scientific Groups

Three Scientific Working Groups (Basic Science, Clinical Epidemiology, Behavioral Science)


Operational Groups

Five Operational Working Groups (Common Protocol Leadership, Study Coordination, Publication Committee, Laboratory Management, and Data Management)


Central Biorepository

A Central Biorepository housed at NIRT in Thiruvallur Campus

EC Chairs

Amita Gupta

Amita Gupta

JHU | EC Chair, USA

Sonali Sarkar

Sonali Sarkar

JIPMER | EC Chair, India

Padmini Salgame

Padmini Salgame


Vijaya Lakshmi Valluri

Vijaya Lakshmi Valluri

BMMRC | EC Co-Chair, India

RePORT India Coordinating Hub

India Co-Hub

Puducherry, India

The purpose of the Coordinating Hub is to provide administrative and operational support to the consortium. The India-based Co-Hub is housed at JIPMER in Puducherry, where the India EC Chair oversees the RePORT India Program Manager, Administrative Coordinator, and Data Coordination Centre. The India-based Co-Hub is dedicated to coordinating activities across Indian Clinical Research Sites and liaising with DBT, India.

U.S. Co-Hub

Baltimore, USA

The U.S.-based Co-Hub is housed at JHU in Baltimore, where the U.S. Chair oversees a U.S.-based Program Manager, Communication Specialist, and Finance Manager. The U.S. based Co-Hub is dedicated to supporting the India Co-Hub, coordinating activities across U.S. participating institutions, as well as liaising with NIH/DAIDS and CRDF Global.

Central Biorepository

Thiruvallur, India

The RePORT India Central Biorepository recently transitioned to ICMR-NIRT’s newly constructed Composite Research Facility at its Thiruvallur site ~50km away from the main campus. A fully equipped BSL-III laboratory, animal BSL-III laboratory, and Data Centre are annexed to this facility to facilitate cutting edge TB research.

Participating Institutions

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